夜 孑

If You Stayed - Softies


【清新民谣】If You Stayed -  Softies

选自Softies专辑《Holiday In Rhode Island》。音乐中弥漫着自然的花草气息,清新脱俗,悠扬明快;像在听着小小校歌,有种青涩美好的感觉。

Softies是美国indie老厂牌K旗下的女生双人组合,由Jen & Rose组成;轻吟浅唱间闪现着Azure Ray式的浪漫气质,时而忧伤时而明媚。

《If You Stayed》

I felt so close to tears today
I had to take a walk
To make it go away
Wrapped up in your coat last night
I hooked your arm in mine
All in my mind
You're so close
You tell me something good
It's so hard to hide this like I should
I'm still so close to tears today
This walk is only taking me
Further away

To make you see me in a different light
I'd have to leave without saying goodbye
You're so near
You tell me something dear
It's only all the good things you fear
Maybe I should
Move away
You would only love me if you stayed

